
On The Spot Mix
This Recording was recorded spontaneously at my house. I pushed record and we began to pray. There’s very little vocals on this it’s basically all music. Good for intercession prayer and dancing your prayers.

To listen to samples Click Here
Track List:

  1. Enter in

  2. His Gates

  3. Extreme Love

  4. Extreme Love instrumental

  5. I Was Made for This

To listen to samples, please click here.
Track List:

 1. Blessing Portals (feat. Patricia King)

 2. Dread Champion (feat. Bob Jones)

 3. Raise the Dead (feat. Todd Bentley)

 4. Jesus Is My High Priest

 5. To the Streets (feat. Patricia King, James Goll & Sally Bolme)

 6. Desire (feat. Sally Bolme)

To listen to samples, please click here.
This Is My DNA
Track List:

 1. Strip Me (feat. Melissa Fisher)

 2. Dancing In His Presence

 3. Living Word (feat. Todd White)

 4. Chuwl

 5. Strip Me Instrumental

 6. Dancing In His Presence Instrumental

To listen to samples, please click here.
 Copyright © 2011 Caleb Brundidge
This is a prophetic sound it also engages the listener into an encounter within The Kingdom. A revealing of identity and unlocking of movement through rhythm is found on each track. It awakens all senses to engage with the movements of The Spirit.​

(This album is also available on Itunes.)
Kingdom Movement